About Us

About Wolf Creek Cane Corsos

Our Mission is to promote this Fabulous breed through proven lineage on health, temperament and The ICCF standard.

Wolf Creek Ranch Cane Corso, owned by Larry & Lynda Buck, is located south of Joplin Missouri on about 800 acres of land so our dogs have lots of room to run, play, and work. We have been involved with many other large breed dogs since early childhood and have finally found a breed that demonstrates all the characteristics that we have been looking for. We currently share our home with our loving Cane Corsos that are companions as well as active in the show ring for conformation. Several of our dogs live in our home and are members of our family which has proven to develop stable temperaments in or out of our home environment.

We also have learned the responsibility that comes with ownership of large breed dogs. The Cane Corso is a fierce protection dog and also a very loyal and loving family member that is totally devoted to their family and property however They do on the other hand, take a loving but strong hand to own them. They can, if allowed, be dominant. They are very intelligent and need good exercise and mental stimulation on a daily basis. If you are able to put the time into them, there is no greater breed in the world!

When we breed we try very hard to breed to ICCF Standard, with great temperaments and health. Our breedings are carefully planned and selected to produce better examples of the breed!

Please let me say again The Cane Corso is a great guard dog and extremely loyal to its family and quite protective yet stable. A Cane Corso needs socialization like any other large breed but I highly recommend owners train their dog. The breed is gentle but yet can be protective of children and family so do your research before you buy!

More About Wolf Creek Cane Corsos

Larry and Lynda Buck grew up with big dogs all their lives and in their retirement they now raise them. For the last eight years, they have found their true love in Cane Corsos, a historic Italian mastiff breed. With this sporty, muscular, agile canine, the Bucks have been blessed to have some real champions among those who have called their large southwest Missouri ranch, home, located near Seneca, Mo.

“These are just great dogs.” Larry has no problem telling the world exactly how and why he fell in love with this particular breed. “They are great family dogs and extremely loyal. They are big babies with a good demeanor and are very protective of their owners, especially the children.

“Like any animal,” he continued, “how they are raised and trained has a lot to do with the kind of animal you are going to end up with, but when done right, they are really a great family dog. We have dogs here of all colors—black, blues, fawns, brindles. There is also a color called formentino which is actually a fawn-colored animal with a black or blue mask. We have several that stay in the house with us because we literally raise puppies and dogs 24 hours a day,” he laughed. “They really are special to us.”

Larry went on to share a bit about their history as well as some of the unique qualities of the breed. “ Cane corsos were originally bred by the Romans in ancient times as war dogs but they nearly became extinct in the last century. The Italians brought them back. Owners need to understand, these are not little lap puppies. This is a dog that needs his owner’s time and attention, to run or get exercise on a regular basis. They have a high prey drive which means they will give chase to anything but that can also be eliminated or controlled through good training. They need a well-fenced area like any loyal, highly-protective family dog.

“Cane corsos are not an overly aggressive breed. They won’t generally start a fight but they won’t back down from one either,” he added with a grin, like a proud father talking about his sons.

“We’ve done quite a bit of showing of our dogs, going all the way to Westminster,” Lynda commented, mentioning the nation’s most recognized world-renowned dog show. “We’ve had Champions and Grand Champions and have the offspring of World Champions in our breeding stock bloodlines.”

“We have all of our dogs thoroughly health tested and examined before breeding,” Larry continued. “And I’ve lost money in some cases, when a valuable dog turns out to have a bone deficiency or other problem but I’m not going to breed a dog like that and take a chance of passing on any kind of genetic problem.

“I had a dog in which I’d invested a lot of money and she turned out to have a femur problem. Rather than take a chance on her genetics, I found her a home with a retired Marine vet and that worked out really well. The vet got back in touch with me recently though because he had to move and he couldn’t take the dog with him so she is back home here with us. This started out as our retirement but it’s become more than that to us now.”

He concluded. “Unfortunately, there are some people who get into dog breeding, thinking they are going to make their fortune at it but there is an art to breeding good dogs. We specialize in raising quality animals. These dogs have an average life span of 12 to 14 years and in that time, they truly do become a part of the family.”

Interview conducted and written by Laura L. Valenti